Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Thomas and Friends: Season 22 Episode 6 Review

And back to Sodor we go, and back with Rebecca! Yay! She has definitely stood out already as a very intriguing and memorable character, as I said in my last review featuring her. So let's see what antics she will get up to this time with that hilarious imagination of hers!

What Rebecca Does
Written by:
Davey Moore

This episode gives us more of an insight into Rebecca's character. Sure a good amount of it was displayed in 'Confusion Without Delay", but here it's the main focus of the story. Her emotions, how she is feeling, what she thinks and how this adds to the plot overall. It's definitely a nice way to do her next episode after her introduction, and certainly does a good job of building upon her previous persona and developments.

The episode's premise is, in all honesty, a very simple one compared to previous plot lines done with this show. Rebecca keeps meeting with engines on the Island who have a special characteristic or attachment to them that make them seem so special. She is amazed by all of them, yet starts to feel down as she feels there is nothing special about her. This isn't an entirely new concept, as this is very similar to Season 19's "Best Engine Ever" focused on Emily and Caitlin. However, there is a small twist, the fact that's Rebecca feels she doesn't stand out from the crowd, yet with Emily, she felt  overshadowed by just Caitlin. So it does feel somewhat different.

As I said earlier, Rebecca earlier gets a big boost to her overall character, as she is easily seen to be so amazed by what others can do, that she forgets, or misses completely what makes her own self special. Bits of this were foreshadowed in "Confusion Without Delay" such as when being told about the other's accomplishments and important jobs, Rebecca wants to fit in so she rushes around too fast.  Certainly a nice bit of clever writing here. Also, this is definitely a wonderful moral for children, and even older kids and adults can learn from it as well. It teaches to look for the certain things that make you special. Yes it may not be as exciting as others' special talents or traits, but it's unique to you, and makes you who you are. I'm sure a lot of kids will be able to relate to Rebecca in this episode and learn a good bit from it, which for a children's show, is very important.

One thing that I do want to mention in this episode, is the cast of characters. There is a great range from Awdry era one up to current era ones. And they are all used very well. Duck, Daisy, Bill, Ben, Harvey, Belle and Marion all appear for some scenes of the episode. Definitely a very diverse range and something of note, on of the episodes were a greater number of female characters appears. This helps I feel as since Rebecca is female, she obviously would relate more with other female characters, plus gives some of the lesser used ones a chance to shine. Marion is probably the best one here though, as again she provides encouragement to an engine feeling down, and shows Rebecca just what is special about her, the fact that she sees the good in everyone, and by complimenting them, makes them feel better about themselves. Marion can you simply be any more of a better character? Rebecca realizes this and then, quite adorably agrees and cheers up afterwards. I hope we see more of Rebecca and her in the future.

The comedy in this episode is really good too! From the bits between Marion and Rebecca's "Guess What's in My Shovel!" game show styled segment, to the comedy in the scene with Bill, Ben and Harvey. Also that scene at the Steamworks with Kevin trying to meet Rebecca's demands and failing pretty badly, plus Victor's reactions to it, are pure funniness. Even Annie and Clarabel give off some subtle humor with how they react to Daisy coming up behind them, referencing how they feel regarding her antics. Of course let's not forget that fantasy sequence!

The fantasy moment in this episode is hilarious, in my opinion. Sure it definitely could come off as-jarring to some, and make them not like it, but to me, upon re-watches, it was very funny and made me laugh. Rebecca certainly has a very over-active imagination, and I love it so much. Certainly, as I keep saying, adds more depth to her personality. Certainly if the fantasy scenes are good for anything, it's showing how a certain character thinks about things. The way they added all of the bits from the engines she met (apparently Diesel 10 too? Can he come back please?), and her on the turntable with rap music and the engines nodding at her. It's rather funny and makes for a nice change of pace in the episode honestly.

So in conclusion, this episode is another awesome Rebecca one! It's funny, has a great message in it, makes use of lots of characters, and is very relatable to anyone really. I may have not had much to say like in other ones, but there isn't really with such a simple story premise. The moments of comedy and character are what make it stand out so much, and certainly give Rebecca even more depth.

Rating: 10/10 - Excellent

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