Friday, October 5, 2018

Thomas and Friends: Season 22 Episode 4 Review

So it's now back to Sodor, and the introduction of our other new Steam Team newbie, Rebecca! After Nia's introduction through the BWBA movie and "Forever and Ever", it's time to see how well the intro for our newest friend goes, and how well she fits into the show. Let's find out...

Confusion Without Delay
Written by:
Davey Moore

In all honesty, this episode is probably one of the best character introduction episodes in the show ever. The way it flows, how Rebecca is portrayed, how she bounces off other characters, and just how she almost instantly feels a natural part of the Sodor environment. It's truly a testament to Davey Moore and the team for pulling off her introduction so well, and making it memorable.

The premise of the episode, when you boil it all down, is a rather simple one. Rebecca is new, and she is so wowed by the traits of the other Steam Team engines, that she doesn't want to be overshadowed. Hence she starts trying to be on time, but in reality she is leaving and arriving everywhere too early. But the character interactions are what truly make this simple plot stand out.

First off, Rebecca is amazing! She's adorable, funny, quirky and very memorable. The way she also wants to stand out from everyone around her is also a relatable moral for both children and adults alike. It makes her seem like she wants to fit in, and wants to make a good first impression, and that makes her so interesting. Most other new characters that are introduced, while a large majority of them are handled pretty well, we rarely nowadays ever see them trying to fit in with everyone. Rebecca is the first Sodor newbie for a while that has that issue as one of her main goals in the beginning, and it certainly is a plus to her overall character. She's definitely become one of my favorite characters from the entire show!

Secondly, they subtly reference the conflict from Forever and Ever, the fact that Gordon isn't impressed or enthralled about all these new changes. Shown how he acts towards Rebecca until the final part of the episode. He is upset that she is helping him with the express, one of the new engines in Tidmouth Sheds, taking Henry's spot. Also by how fast she seems to do her work, almost faster than him (but only because she leaves early). I truly love how they resolved this though, as they bring good old Flying Scotsman into the fray. Rebecca observes how he teases Gordon with the whole "little brother" thing. And in the end, she sticks up for him, noting that they look the same size, and perhaps Gordon is even bigger! This shows Gordon a different view of her, and allows him to become nicer towards her in the end, even chuffing off from Vicarstown together.

Also this episode is one of the ones from this season that feels like it fits the new time limit very well. Everything is well paced and happens just as it should be. It does feel a little fast in the middle, but perhaps that was intentional, as Rebecca was departing and arriving at locations too early, so in a way it kind of helps emphasize this feeling, and works in the episode's favor. The only slight (and I mean slight) issue is the fact they have time to mention why Edward moved to Wellsworth, but not why Henry moved to Vicarstown. We got the reason stated in both "A Shed for Edward" and "Forever and Ever", yet nothing about why Henry moved at all. I wish it could've been added, but it's only a very minor nitpick really.

Another little note, I do love how they have it be Nia the one to tell Rebecca about all the goings on at Tidmouth Sheds in the morning, and about the engines accomplishments. It makes sense, as Nia is relatively new herself, so she would be learning all this stuff recently. It also is part of her character, wanting to be helpful. She knows what it feels like to be new, so she wants to help Rebecca feel up to speed on everything going on, so she isn't left in the dust, so to speak. I also like it because our two new engines on the Steam Team are interacting, giving the feeling that they are all friends there, and look out for each other.

As for the humor in this episode, I love it! There is a good amount of it, and it's all very well done and feels like it fits. I mean the episode even starts with humor, as Sir Topham Hatt is driving Winston very poorly, as usual, and has trouble stopping. Then of course Rebecca bumping into Winston and Topham, knocking him over. Also the bit at Tidmouth with James trying to leave the sheds (Percy's face!), the bits with Gordon and Scotsman at Vicarstown and Topham trying to say his catchphrase, yet can't cause Rebecca hasn't caused any delay! Although my personal favorite bit is her scene with Diesel at Brendam Docks. Just the way she mocks what he said in the way he did it to her, along with that impression of him she does, it's gotta be one of the funniest scenes from the show, at least in my opinion. 

As for the fantasy sequence, it's pretty humorous too! The thought of the engines linking together and flying in the air like some sort of mecha-zord robot is hilarious. Not to mention Thomas' "Huzzah!" line. Plus it's all animated very beautifully, and the colors are bright and vibrant too. It also fits well and the episode would feel a tad different had it not been there, so it passes. Plus it only further develops Rebecca, as it shows just what an overactive imagination she has. It's quite funny and intriguing, to say the least.

So in the end, this episode is excellent! Rebecca is immediately memorable and has a great deal of character. She gets along well with the others, and has some development with Gordon. The animation, music and morals are great, and the humor is top notch. Plus the amount of character portrayed in the engines here is wonderful. Certainly a truly "modern classic" episode, as some say, it definitely does just what it needs to succeed.

Rating: 10/10 - Excellent

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