Monday, February 1, 2016

Thomas and Friends: 15 Things I Want in Season 20

Hello everyone! Yes I know I haven't posted my LPS S4 Overview, but that was because I didn't find out until recently that LPS wanted to go on a break for a while and is not coming back till at least Summer of this year. So that is on hold until it gets near when the episodes return. In the meantime, I am going to try and focus on more TTTE related reviews, thoughts on things, and things like this. 

So this is a little list of 15 things I want to see in Season 20 of Thomas and Friends. It's not in order from least to most wanted, just a list of things that I myself have wanted to see happen, in any random order. Seeing as Season 20 takes place after Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure, it has opened up immense opportunities for the show, in both this season and the future, and some of this list may deal with some of those ideas. So without any more delay, let's get started.

1. More Development for Samson
Being honest, I ADORE Samson and his episodes. Sure they may be a bit questionable, but they are definitely enjoyable! And Samson's character type does make for some pretty hilarious stories! The thing I don't get is why he wasn't used at all in Season 19. He only made one brief cameo in the fourth episode and that was it! And after that, he only briefly cameoed in SLOTLT too. I get he is a Mainland engine, but it would be nice to see some more stories with him, especially if more can be brought to his character. Maybe something dealing with how he became so stubborn, or him acting with a character like James or Gordon, that would be interesting.

2. An 'Arry and Bert Episode
I really think these two have potential, I really do. I want to see them in an episode, they have been rendered for two seasons now and have only cameoed. They need too do something! I really feel they could have some great character potential, especially if they get the Smelter's back. If they do have roles again, I want them to have their S5 and 7 personas, but toned down a bit. Something like, if an engine broke down on the track, they pass by and go "Hello James! Better hope you get fixed soon, or we might be back for you later! *laughing* (Imagine them speaking that with a dark tone in their voices). Something like that. As for an episode about them, maybe focus on the bond between them, and how they care for each other, considering they are twins. But all in all, I do want to see them be used more.

3. An Episode involving Thomas, Percy and Toby
I wanted this in Season 18, and also in Season 19. And with both seasons, we have gotten closer. In Season 19 we had all three engines appear in one episode on the line, but Percy didn't speak. I want an episode where these three are the main cast, and the episode is centered on their line. There is a lot of story potential here. Especially if Bertie and maybe even Terence were thrown in. They are almost endless, so it would really be nice if the current team have done something with that potential. 

4. An Episode About Norman
Seeing as how Sidney is getting an episode in Season 20, it could be a good opportunity to develop Norman as well. He could be done right, especially if they further went with the Diesel trio group (i.e. Sidney, Norman and Paxton). The fact that he constantly has trouble breaking down could make for some great story potentials. And he hasn't done much, so he is basically a blank slate, so that's very easy to be worked with, and could also be an opportunity to show the Dieselworks more.

5. A Search and Rescue Team Episode That Works
This is something, that I have always wanted, especially more now that we have seen Rocky Rescue (I'll get to that when I review it). But it seems of a majority of the SS&R Team's episode, they are made dumb or stupid just so the plot can work (the three pictured above are the worst offenders). Yous simply CANNOT have an story that portrays rescue vehicles that are supposed to represent firemen and rescue workers to children, act incompetent and childish. An episode where they all work together to perform a daring rescue would be great, as it would give them potential to be good again. Or a story about having to make a rescue that requires more thinking than usual, that could work.

6. Further Development for Philip
Philip's two episodes in Season 19 were pretty good, but they didn't develop his character far enough. And I'm actually surprised that the "new season character" only got featured in two episodes. I mean he has a very likable persona to some so far, but we need to see more of him featured. I feel if they show a bit more of the narcissistic side of him, it could make a great episode or two. Another thing we be to pair him with other characters, he worked well with Gordon and James, so I'm sure there are others that could do so. Also maybe following up the bit with Gordon wanting to show Philip just how fast he really is. 

7. Rosie to Have Minor Roles Like Stanley
Yes, I would like to see a bit more of Rosie. But not necessarily in the way that she gets her own episode. I want to see her used in more roles like Stanley was in Samson at Your Service and The Truth About Toby, or Stafford in Missing Gator. Little roles like that where she is just working in the shunting yards, and just comments on some things, or reacts to a situation. Little bits like that would work, and you wouldn't have to even develop her character to do so. It would make her feel more involved, and liven up the yard, while also not focusing on her too much.

8. A Spooky Episode Involving Ryan

This is another story idea that I feel could work brilliantly. Ryan has shown that he tries to be brave, but often in the face of danger, he runs away in terror. Sort of a cowardly lion type, as many have stated before. Throw in that his current line runs along a coast, AND he works with Daisy and Skiff, this would be a great opportunity for phantom sailors or ships. And then in the end, maybe it could be twisted around to have him being the bravest over Daisy and Skiff. But all in all it could be a great idea if done in the proper way.

9. An Edward and James Episode
Of all the "two-character" dynamics they have shown and delved into recently, I feel one of the most neglected is the James and Edward one. The last time it has been shown I think is the Season 10 episode "James the Second Best" and that episode was poorly done. This is a duo that could really work well together. James' snarky sarcastic persona, against Edward's kind, no-nonsense persona. If we had an episode about them together, I would really enjoy it, as it would bring something fresh to the series, and some more great story potential.

Speaking of Edward......

10. Another Edward Episode
This needs to happen. Of all the Steam Team members that have gotten episodes in the Arc/Brenner era, Edward is the one who has gotten the least, only ONE! So it only seems fair that Edward should get another moment in the spotlight, especially since all the other members have had two or more. There is still more to be done with Edward, as you could maybe have an episode where his old age gets to him, and maybe some parts start wearing down. That could certainly be basis for a story. Or maybe he could mentor Philip like he did Thomas, it would certainly suit him. 

11. Development for Porter
We need some more development for this guy too! We had an opportunity in Salty All at Sea, but Thomas stole that spot unfortunately. He hasn't had an episode about him since his debut in S17, and even that was more about Salty than him. He has potential to be developed, as he is definitely and interesting character, and from one bio, it says he has a perfectionist side too him. That right there is basis for an episode alone, so hopefully the team do something with him soon.

12. An Episode where Mike meets James
This scenario, I feel, would be the making I feel for probably one of the best and most hilarious episodes of the show ever! These engines' personalities would bounce off of and clash so much that it is almost like a perfect character pairing. It's really simple to make happen too, have either Duck or Oliver involved in an accident, and the only engine available is James, so he is sent to help. There are so many ways this could play out, it has to be used at least some point! Please writers do it!!

13. An Episode About Other Narrow Gauge Engines
Yes, an episode about any of the above three (and Peter Sam) would be welcome. I am not including Sir Handel, as it seems he will be getting an episode in Season 20. That would have been on here, had that info not been revealed. But the four Narrow Gauge engines that are left need some time to shine too! So far all the Narrow Gauge Arc/Brenner episodes have been taken by Duncan or Luke. We need to see the spotlight taken by others, and give them some more character development, so the younger audience can know more about them. 

14. Oliver's Model Scaled Up 
Okay I know I'm jumping on the bandwagon here, but it's gotten kind of distracting lately, I used to not mind it, but more recently it is annoying me. I mean his new S19 model is slightly (and I mean SLIGHTLY) larger, but he is still too small. From certain angles next to Duck, he looks like a Narrow Gauge Engine! I really hope that he is able to be fixed, it's the only render that is bugging me at the moment. So some improvement on it would be nice.

15. Bear to Appear in the TV Series
Okay this is really stretching things. But I would LOVE if he appeared in this season. With Mike, Rex, and Bert we have opened the door for RWS characters, and this character has a TON of potential! Great amount of stories that could be done, and plus he is another bigger Diesel, we have so many small ones, we need some bigger ones to mix things up. I know it's a long shot, but if he appeared in Season 20, I would be ecstatic.

And with that, we come to the end of this list. I'm definitely not expecting all of these things to happen in Season 20, but if a few of them do, I will be really happy.